Microchipping has become a very popular and safe way to permanently identify your pet and you as the owner in the unfortunate case that your pet is lost. Microchipping involves placement of a small electronic chip the size and shape of a piece of rice just under the skin in the neck area. A needle is used to inject the chip. The injection is comparable to a regular vaccine injection.
If your pet becomes lost and is transported to a humane society, the humane society will be able to scan your pet for the chip and contact you. The scanner is similar to a scanner found in the grocery store.
We advise you to use this system of identification as well as an identifying tattoo on your pet.
We use the ISO microchip which can be used for exporting and moving your pet to many different countries around the world.
If you have any need to travel with your pet, you can work closely with Corina who deals with all the exportation questions and forms.