Cats are naturally mysterious creatures. They can often be witnessed watching invisible creatures in the air or galloping around the house in the dead of night. With such unusual behaviour, it’s no wonder that myths about cats abound. So today, we’re busting some common myths about cats!
- Cats can be left alone for several days at a time.
Some cat owners will go away on a trip for a few days and leave their cat with a large bowl of water and an overflowing dish of food. While this may seem like the most cost-effective option, it’s not a good or safe idea for your cat. Cats may be more independent than dogs, but they do need to be cared for. Cats who are left alone for large periods of time may get up to trouble, become depressed, or even fall ill. So make sure that if you’re planning to be gone for longer than 24 hours, you have asked someone to check in on your feline friend to make sure they’re still feeling fine! - Milk is a nice treat for cats.
It’s a classic scene: a cat being handed a bowl of milk to lap up. But before you get out your milk carton, think again. Most cats are lactose intolerant, and while they might lap up milk eagerly, they’ll probably get sick. Even for those cats who can tolerate milk, it’s a very fatty treat with little extra nutritional value. So save the milk for your own treat, and offer your cat a healthier snack. - Cats can’t get heartworm.
Unlike dogs, cats are not a natural host for heartworms, so the worms rarely survive to adulthood. However, this does not mean that cats cannot get heartworm, or that heartworm is not a serious disease for cats.
Additionally, because heartworm is transmitted through mosquitos, some people believe that indoor cats cannot get heartworm. This is also a myth. Anyone who’s had a mosquito buzzing and whining around their room at night can attest to the fact that mosquitos can easily make their way indoors, and therefore, can pose a risk to your indoor cat.
There is no approved drug to treat heartworm in cats, so it’s important to prevent the initial infection.Talk to us about giving your cat a monthly heartworm preventive to keep them safe and healthy! - Black cats are bad luck.
This long-running superstition is centuries old, and dates back to the idea that black cats were associated with witches. However, in some cultures, black cats are considered to be a symbol of good luck, and anyone who owns a black cat can tell you how lucky they are to have one of these beautiful companions! - Cats can’t be trained.
Unlike their canine counterparts, cats are largely believed to be untrainable. After all, when was the last time you saw an advertisement for a kitten obedience class? But are cats completely untrainable? The truth is, cats are less motivated by praise than dogs and they aren’t as attuned to human behavior as dogs are, both important aspects of training. However, while training cats may be more difficult than dogs, you can teach your cat to do tricks. It just requires time, patience, and treats! - Cats are loners and unaffectionate.
Cats tend to be more independent than dogs, but every cat lover knows that cats can be quite friendly and affectionate. They may need their alone time, but this doesn’t mean they don’t seek out love or want to spend some quality time with you!