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  • May 26 2016

    Lyme Disease Prevention & Awareness

    May is Lyme Disease Prevention Month! Lyme disease is a very serious and potentially debilitating bacterial infection that affects our canine companions, as well as humans, cats, and horses. Dogs are…

  • May 19 2016

    Tips for Preventing Dog Bites

    This week is National Dog Bite Prevention Week! It is a week focused on providing education around preventing dog bites. With millions of dogs in the world, there are a staggering number of people who…

  • May 12 2016

    Allergy and Asthma Awareness for your Pets

    It’s that time of year again- when environmental allergens all come out to play and start wreaking havoc on sinuses and skin. Reacting to particles in the environment is not just for humans- animals…

  • May 05 2016

    It's National Pet Week!

    National Pet Week is a week dedicated to celebrating the pets that enrich our lives so greatly each day. For many people, our pets are a central part of our lives, and add so much vivacity and…

  • Apr 28 2016

    April 30th is World Veterinary Day!

    Over a hundred and fifty years ago, Dr. J. Gamgee assembled the first International Veterinary Congress. That initiative, started in 1863, has grown into the modern World Veterinary Association. The…

  • Apr 21 2016

    How your dog shows they love you

    Sometimes, it’s easy to think that our dogs only tolerate us because we feed them, take them for walks and provide a warm comfy place to sleep. We love our dogs, often unconditionally, and are…

  • Apr 14 2016

    The Best Fruits and Veggies for Dogs

    Fruits and vegetables make great snacks for dogs! They provide an extra boost of vitamins and nutrients to compliments your dog’s regular diet, which are good for teeth, bones, eyesight, coat,…