Illustrated Articles
Many birds naturally eat plants as part of their diet. Some birds will chew on and possibly consume plants out of curiosity or during play. Many toxic plants will just make a bird sick if they ingest them, but some can kill them. Fortunately, rather than ingesting plants, most birds shred and play with plants with which they come in contact. This handout catalogues many of the indoor and outdoor plants that are considered to be potentially toxic to birds.
Telemedicine is the act of practicing medicine from a distance and your appointment will be conducted by a licensed veterinarian. Before your appointment, gather information on your pet’s history and your current concern. Look at a calendar and write down a timeline of your pet’s problems. Be prepared to answer questions that you would normally be asked at an in-person appointment. Write notes to help you remember everything. Most telemedicine appointments involve the use of some type of video chat. Conduct your visit in a quiet area with good lighting and have your pet with you before the call starts. Not all concerns can be addressed through telemedicine. If your veterinarian is unable to arrive at a diagnosis via telemedicine, he or she can help you determine the next step for your pet to ensure that he or she receives optimal care.
Quaker parrots are small- to medium-sized birds. They are green with a grey chest and neck. They make great pets if hand-tamed. Quaker parrots can be excellent talkers and tend to bond closely to one or two household members.
In the wild, a bird will try to uphold a strong appearance when sick. By the time a pet bird begins to display symptoms of illness, it has likely been sick for several days to weeks. Many things contribute to ill health. This handout provides bird owners with a list of signs that will alert them that their bird is sick.
Do you have medications stored in the bathroom cabinet, kitchen drawer, and pantry shelf? Are random bottles haphazardly tossed into the “pharmacy”? Medications are meant to help us and our pets, but they can do more harm than good if stored or administered incorrectly. You can protect your family and pets by safely handling and disposing of medications.
Senegal parrots are small- to medium-sized birds. They are generally very friendly and are very adept at mimicking household sounds like the microwave or telephone. They generally bond with one to three household members.
At certain times of the year, birds are under the powerful influence of sex hormones and will behave instinctively in distinct ways that you may not have witnessed before. Humans may cause frustration or confusion in their birds with what may be our inappropriate responses to their sexual behaviors. This handout describes several of these behaviors in birds and how to prevent or manage them.
This outline provides a description of the main components of a blood testing profile.
There are many methods and opinions described by various people to tame and train birds. This handout is designed to give some guidance to you during this process. Your patience may be strained, and you may sustain some bites, but the rewards of your new relationship with your bird will be fulfilling and long-lasting.
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is used as a non-stick coating on cookware. Teflon is the most well-known brand name of PTFE-based coatings. When PTFE is heated to high temperatures, it releases toxic particles and acidic gases that are toxic when inhaled. Birds are particularly sensitive to inhaled toxins or poisons and can be poisoned by PTFE even if they are not in the same room. Sadly, sudden death may be the only sign of PTFE poisoning.