Veterinary Health Care
What is a veterinary technician?
Our hospital employs Registered Animal Health Technologists. A Registered Animal Health Technologist has received extensive education and training in an accredited college program, and is trained to assist veterinarians in…
I’ve seen a lot of information about supplements and nutraceuticals. How do I know what my pet needs?
Supplements, and nutraceuticals in particular, are becoming very popular with pet owners. Many of them are very effective at aiding your pet to achieve optimum health. We carry several products…
Which pet food should I feed my pet?
The answer is different for each pet, although many commercially available foods are fine to feed healthy dogs and cats. Yet not all foods are created equal. Pets’ nutritional needs…
I recently lost my pet, and I’m having trouble dealing with the loss. Where can I find help?
Losing a pet can be extremely upsetting and hard to move beyond. We have such a close bond with our pets, so letting go is never easy. We do offer…
My pet has the same thing wrong that she was treated for last summer. Can the veterinarian just prescribe the same medication that she did the last time?
Even though your pet may be showing the same symptoms as the last time, the problem may be different. There can be other conditions that compound the problem in question….
What toys/accessories are appropriate for my pet?
Many clinics offer veterinary-approved toys and accessories for pets. With all the options out there, sometimes it’s hard to figure out what’s safe. We have some toys and chew items…
My pet’s just been diagnosed with a medical condition/disease I’m not familiar with, and I want to find out more about it. Where can I find information I can trust?
You can turn to the Pet Health Section of our website, which offers current, trustworthy information on a wide variety of topics. In addition, many veterinary colleges and professional organizations…
Will microchipping hurt my pet?
Not any more than a regular vaccine injection. We generally put a small amount of local anaesthetic at the site to allow for insertion of the larger microchip needle. The…
After I have my pet microchipped, is there anything else I need to do?
You pet’s microchip should continue to function over your pet’s lifetime without any maintenance; however, the system won’t work unless you keep your contact information current. Whenever you move or…
Are natural remedies for flea/tick/heartworm prevention safe to use on my pet?
Although natural remedies may offer some protection or repellency against parasites, they are not nearly as effective as prescription products. In addition, natural remedies often need to be applied far…