The Holter Monitor is a diagnostic unit that measures your pet’s ECG over a 24 hour period for abnormal heart activity. This is of particular concern for dogs with risk for Cardiomyopathy or for any other cardiac arrhythmias.
Breadner Veterinary Services has a Holter Monitor available for this purpose. We advise our clients following a consultation and examination. We also accept referrals from other veterinary hospitals or requests from individuals.
Your pet is seen by our Registerd Animal Health Technologist for the application. Your pet’s fur is shaved in small areas over the chest. Following this, the tabs and Holter monitor are secured to the body with a final neoprene body wrap to hold everything in place. We provide an activity log to record what your pet does over the course of a 24 hour period. After 24 hours, we remove the holter monitor. The tape is then sent to a Cardiologist for interpretation.
If you have been referred by your veterinarian, the tape will be given to you for transfer and your veterinarian can arrange for interpretation of the ECG readings. This ensures the medical report is directed back to your veterinarian.